In the latest update to MPLS Coffee, I migrated the mapping framework from React Native Maps to Mapbox. After the migration I couldn't get the custom icons to display for the coffee shop markers. Everything I tried didn't work. Then I came across a StackOverflow post where the user was having a problem where only the last icon in their images array was displaying. Images array...I had no idea that was a thing. I can't find that post now, so I'm not able to link to it, but their post had code in it that eventually led me to the right solution - to use the Images array component. So, I must say "Thank you" to the random Internet person for their help. I hope these good vibes get to you someday 🙂.
In that user's post they were having a problem loading all their icons in the Images array. That wasn't my problem, but their post had an example that used the MapboxGL.Images component. In the examples I was looking at (thanks for nothing ChatGPT) none of them mentioned this component as a way to use custom icons. That was enough to get me what I needed. This code shows how to get Mapbox in React Native to display custom icons for your marker instead of the default icons.
If you follow this pattern for your Mapbox MapView component you will be able to create custom icons for your Mapbox markers. This is just a sampling of running Mapbox in React Native, I left out a lot of information and set up to make this example simple. If you need help implmementing Mapbox in React Native or more information feel free to drop me a line> - I love helping people.
centerCoordinate: userCoords,
zoomLevel: zoomLevel,
//Create a "custom-marker" row in the MapboxGL.Images array that references the icon you want to use for your markers
"custom-marker": require("../assets/coffee_icon.png")
{filteredShops && filteredShops.features.length > 0 && (
//Then in The SymbolLayer component reference the "custom-maker" in the iconImage property
iconImage: "custom-marker",
iconSize: 0.4,
iconAllowOverlap: true,
iconIgnorePlacement: true,